Our manufacturing quantity target for TR 8700 TECHNOVAC is 120.000 pcs! Fanset that manufactures 2.000.000 pcs per year, began manufacturing TR 8700 TECHNOVAC Bagless HI-TECH Cyclonic Vacuum Cleaner. Market share of bagless vacuum cleaners have increased these days. Thanks to TECHNOVAC's HI-TECH filtration and easy usage features, the bagless cleaning market will grow more. Fanset annonced that manufacturing target of TR 8700 TECHNOVAC is 120.000 pcs. Thanks to HI-TECH tank technology of TECHNOVAC and 2200 W motor power, the device captures the dust to its tank with cyclonic movements. All dust is picked up to lower side of HI-TECH tank and thanks to movable tank, the tank can be emptied easily.